Hosanna // Waving Palms
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and those crowds shouted out, “Hosanna!” That word, “hosanna,” means “Save us!” The interesting thing is that the people were asking Jesus to save them. That name, Jesus, means “salvation.” The people were literally saying, “save us, Savior!” May that be our posture, always. We are right where God wants us to be when we recognize our deep need for God’s grace and when we are constantly posturing our lives towards Jesus, who is salvation.
A lot happens between Palm Sunday and Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. My prayer for us is that we lean into this story of this next week. The story of the death and resurrection of Jesus is not just a recollection of a historical event, it’s a story that we participate in with our lives. It’s a death to self and a resurrection to new life in Christ.
Show up a few minutes early tomorrow morning, grab a palm branch, and watch our kids as they parade into the sanctuary shouting, “Hosanna!” Let’s join them in worship of our Savior!
Ways to prepare for tomorrow:
Other things:
A lot happens between Palm Sunday and Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. My prayer for us is that we lean into this story of this next week. The story of the death and resurrection of Jesus is not just a recollection of a historical event, it’s a story that we participate in with our lives. It’s a death to self and a resurrection to new life in Christ.
Show up a few minutes early tomorrow morning, grab a palm branch, and watch our kids as they parade into the sanctuary shouting, “Hosanna!” Let’s join them in worship of our Savior!
Ways to prepare for tomorrow:
- Read Mark 11. Tomorrow, we’ll focus on the day after Palm Sunday, as Jesus comes into the Temple and cleans house. What is cluttering your life and distracting you from centering your whole life around Jesus?
- Pray for those who are hurting, mentally, physically, relationally, spiritually.
- Take a moment to prepare your hearts for our time of worship together. Expect God to move in unique way as His people gather!
- Prayerfully consider who you can invite to join you tomorrow. If you invite that person or family, they are likely to join you!
Other things:
- Good Friday Service. This Friday @ 7pm in the Sanctuary. A time of prayer, worship, and standing in awe of the God who gave himself fully to us.
- Easter Sunday! Who can you invite to join you next Sunday? Kids Celebration at 9:30am. Worship Service at 10:30am.
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