Weekly Update
Hi GCN Family,
If you don’t already have a daily bible reading plan, I encourage you to join in on the Summer Bible Reading and Prayer Plan on the GCN Mobile App. We’ve been walking through the book of Acts. In Acts 19, today’s passage, Paul travels to Ephesus and discovers that the believers there have not yet received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They had repented from their sin, and were following Jesus (Acts 19:4), but they had not yet heard about the Holy Spirit. That day, Paul laid hands on them and they received the gift of the Spirit.
Here’s the reminder for us today: If you are not daily inviting the Holy Spirit to fill you, guide you, convict you, and empower you, then you are not receiving all that Jesus designed for you to receive. We are in desperate need of the Holy Spirit these days. I don’t know about you, but I need to be more loving, and patient, and kind. The only way that these fruits are produced in my life is with the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The only way we can love people with the self-giving love of Jesus is as the Holy Spirit fills us.
Receive this gift today, in Jesus’ name.
Reminders and Things Coming Up…
Much Love,
Pastor Brian
If you don’t already have a daily bible reading plan, I encourage you to join in on the Summer Bible Reading and Prayer Plan on the GCN Mobile App. We’ve been walking through the book of Acts. In Acts 19, today’s passage, Paul travels to Ephesus and discovers that the believers there have not yet received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They had repented from their sin, and were following Jesus (Acts 19:4), but they had not yet heard about the Holy Spirit. That day, Paul laid hands on them and they received the gift of the Spirit.
Here’s the reminder for us today: If you are not daily inviting the Holy Spirit to fill you, guide you, convict you, and empower you, then you are not receiving all that Jesus designed for you to receive. We are in desperate need of the Holy Spirit these days. I don’t know about you, but I need to be more loving, and patient, and kind. The only way that these fruits are produced in my life is with the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The only way we can love people with the self-giving love of Jesus is as the Holy Spirit fills us.
Receive this gift today, in Jesus’ name.
Reminders and Things Coming Up…
- This Sunday, we’ll have a guest worship leader joining us. Her name is Andrea Huertas and she has been leading worship for many years. She is a friend of a few of our GCNers. We will also have the opportunity to hear part of her powerful testimony. Be praying in advance over that time together.
- Welcome Home Sunday is so close! September 8th. What all will happen on that day? Well, we’ll worship together at 10:30am, then we’ll gather outside for a party! We’ll have smoked meats and other great food. There will be inflatables, volleyball, corn hole, good music, games, and giveaways. Here’s the challenge for each of us: Invite, invite, invite. Who do you know who is in need of a place to belong? In Christ, that’s who we’re called to be. Click Here for a simple invite to pass on.
- New Church Van Fundraising Update. Thank you for your generosity! We have currently raised over $16,000 towards our $20,000 goal! Praise God! We’re so close. I’m believing we can cross that finish line in a matter of days. No matter the size of the gift, consider taking a moment to CLICK HERE and give, above and beyond tithe and offering. (Select “Van Capital Campaign” from the FUND drop-down menu)
- Mailboxes Removed. The mailboxes, located in the hallway from the foyer to the Life Center, will be removed in the coming days. If you have any items stored in those boxes, we just ask that you gather those soon. By the end of this week (Friday, August 30th), we’ll be storing those items in the church office for a few weeks. Some of you have used the mailbox storage area to share kitchen key access. We’ll be reaching out to those few leaders soon with an updated plan for shared key storage. Looking forward to the days ahead! Reach out if you have any questions.
- Thanks for giving and thanks for praying. You donated over 60 backpacks and school supplies for our Bee A Blessing Backpack Drive. This past Sunday, some GCNers helped distribute those at Stewartown Resource Center. Thanks for tangibly loving the neighborhood where God has placed us.
- An Update on Dave Sharp. On Sunday I shared that Dave Sharp is in Shady Grove Hospital because he experienced some concerning symptoms on Saturday, including disorientation and confusion. As of the time of this email, he is doing much better. He is much more alert. There are no certain answers on the cause of the symptoms, so we continue to pray for that. Thank you for loving and praying like a family!
Much Love,
Pastor Brian
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