Weekly Update

Hi GCN Family,

I’m looking forward to celebrating the Class of 2024 this Sunday in our worship service. Graduation season is a reminder that God has been faithful in the past, God is faithful in the present, so we know He will continue to be faithful into the future. So, we pray over our grads and families of grads. My #1 Prayer: May you, Class of 2024 (and anyone reading this!) give your whole life to Jesus and build your foundation on Him. May it be so.

Check out some other great opportunities coming up…

  • Grad Sunday. So, yes, Grad Sunday…but also stick around for some cake and other goodies after service, on the patio (weather permitting). Let’s celebrate together!

  • Women’s Day: “The God Who Sees Me.” Saturday, June 1. 9:00am-1:00pm. Join us for a morning of worship and testimony from our featured speaker and singer Ruth Ortiz. Click Here to register and find out more.

  • Summer Fun Groups. I love the tagline for our Summer Groups Initiative: “Add community to your life this summer!” Every person you ever encounter is longing to belong. Let’s be those people who, in the name of Jesus and by the power of His Spirit, are a people to whom others can belong. Would you take a moment to do this: (1) Sign up or RSVP for one or more of these groups this summer. (2) Invite someone who is not connected with our church (or any other church) to join you! CLICK HERE FOR A LISTING OF THOSE GROUPS.

  • Prayer. Jesus said, “My house will be a house of prayer.” By God’s grace, may that be us. Each Sunday morning, a faithful group gathers at 10:15am to pray over our church together. They meet in the side room, right next to the sanctuary stage. It’s an open invite! Consider joining in this Sunday. Also, what can I (Pastor Brian or our other pastors) be praying over for you? Email me and let me know (pastorbrian@gburgnaz.org)

Much Love,

Pastor Brian

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