Weekly Update

Hi GCN Family,
We can’t make fruit grow, but we sure can hinder or help the growth of fruit. I’m still thinking about that Parable of the Barren Fig Tree (Luke 13:6-8) that we looked at on Sunday. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. You cannot earn salvation. You can only receive it as a free gift from God. This is the gospel! However, you will not accidentally stumble into Christlikeness. You will not just happen upon spiritual growth. You and I must work the soil. We need to give the Holy Spirit daily (minute-ly) access to every part of our lives. And when we do that, then somehow, someway, Christ will be formed in us.
How do you need the Holy Spirit to produce fruit in your life? How much access to your life does the Holy Spirit have?
Ways to Pray and Engage…
  1. Pray for our upcoming camps in our neighborhood as we partner with Stewartown Resource Center and The Equity Center. The Washington Square Camp starts July 9th and the Stewartown Camp starts the following week, on July 17th. 
  2. Pray for our continued food distribution ministry. Yesterday, several high school students from the community joined our group of volunteers as we served our neighborhood together. This is how God’s Kingdom comes, right here, as it is in heaven.
  3. Plug into our Summer Fun Groups! Here’s a look at what’s coming up very soon: (1) Ice Cream Night at Woodburne Creamery this Friday (July 5th), 6:30-8:00pm. (2) Sunday Lunch Out, this Sunday right after the worship service, at Manhattan Pizza and Pasta. (3) Twilight Golfing, on Sunday, July 14th @ 6pm, you need to RSVP by this Saturday (July 6th). And there will be much more activities throughout this summer, so don't miss out! CLICK HERE to see the full list and to Contact or RSVP to the leader.
  4. Be a part of the Daily Bible Reading Plan this Summer. You can find the plan on the GCN Mobile App.
  5. We will continue in our Storyteller series! This Sunday, we’ll be looking at the Parable of the Seat of Honor, from Luke 14:7-11. I’d love to hear what sticks out to you from this parable and I encourage you to invite others to join you this Sunday! Let us be a place where people can belong, in Jesus’ name.
  6. Click Here for more items coming up, including Kids Camp and Teen Camp!
Much Love,

Pastor Brian

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