Weekly Update

The LORD is the best storyteller there has ever been. The more we read the Bible and hear testimonies, the more we can see how God weaves together details we missed along the way.

We might not always be the best story-listeners. I was reading through the book of Judges recently, and I am struck by how quickly Israel forgets what God has done. One chapter they are making amends with God, and the next they are throwing it all away for the next thing that catches their attention.

God does not give up on them. Instead, when they are ready, God uses the past and the present to write a beautiful story of redemption.

This past weekend, I worshiped in two new places. The first was with the River Church of the Nazarene, who hosted the young adult district retreat on their property and welcomed us into their congregation for Sunday morning worship. Pastor JR LaPearl shared about times in his life and the life of the River where God asked them to make brave but illogical choices. The story wasn’t always making sense in real time, but his perspective looking back showed Pastor JR that a story full of obedience will always be better than a story full of convenience.

The second place was on the patio with GCN Youth as we gathered for a music and message night. We were led by great teens and volunteers as we sang about God’s unshaking presence in our lives. Amen led us through a reflection about how God is speaking through nature, as our Creator can use the world around us to remind us of God’s love. I was encouraged as I heard the students and leaders share about specific things they found in nature that reminded them of God’s love.

So, we serve a God who is the best storyteller to ever exist. Over generations, across time zones, amidst adversity and despair, God is writing the most beautiful story ever told, which we are being brought into. Through trees and hard lessons and sunsets and missed opportunities, God is creating a tale so great the entire world is not only involved but also gets an opportunity to call it their redemption story. I am challenging myself to be a better story-listener this week, and I invite you to join me.

Blessings, GCN Family,

Pastor Lauren

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