What Gets Your Attention? / God of Covenant
What we give our attention to is the type of people we will become. Or, as Jesus says in Matthew 6:34 (MSG): “Give your attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”
What gets most of your attention? Is it that thing that you’re worried about? Or is it a distraction that you scroll (or watch)? Is it your financial security or insecurity? Could be a thousand different things. I’ll say it again: What we give our attention to is the type of people we will become. So, if we want to become the type of people who look like Jesus, then we must “fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:2)
One of the best ways to fix your eyes on Jesus is to take time to worship Him. You don’t need to be in a worship service to praise God. In fact, if you’re only doing it during those times, I would suggest that you’re not intentionally worshiping God nearly enough.
Here’s an invitation: Take time right now (or set aside time before the end of today) to worship God. What does it look like? Well, I think it’s as unique as you are. For me, it often looks like putting in the ol’ earbuds, cranking the worship music and turning my living room, my car, or my running trail into a sanctuary. Here’s a sampling of my playlist from just this morning: No Longer Slaves (we’ll be singing this one together tomorrow morning!), Gone (love the line, “Praise is a weapon that will overcome”), Revelation 19:1 (there is NOTHING like praising God with straight-up scripture), and several more. Let me know: What are some of your favorite worship songs, or what are your favorite ways to praise God?
Worship is a practice in which we let God remind us of who HE is (Holy!), we remind ourselves of who we are (not God!), and we remind the enemy of who he is (a defeated foe who has no authority).
Speaking of worship, come tomorrow (10:30am) anticipating what God, by the power of His Spirit, wants to do and will do in us and through us. Let us prepare our hearts for worship. Is God laying someone on your heart to invite tomorrow? Send that text or make that phone call.
We’ll continue in our series, The God of Covenant. Tomorrow, we’ll be looking at God’s covenant with Moses. Exodus 20. Looking forward to gathering with you and lifting high the name of Jesus!
Much love,
Pastor Brian
What gets most of your attention? Is it that thing that you’re worried about? Or is it a distraction that you scroll (or watch)? Is it your financial security or insecurity? Could be a thousand different things. I’ll say it again: What we give our attention to is the type of people we will become. So, if we want to become the type of people who look like Jesus, then we must “fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:2)
One of the best ways to fix your eyes on Jesus is to take time to worship Him. You don’t need to be in a worship service to praise God. In fact, if you’re only doing it during those times, I would suggest that you’re not intentionally worshiping God nearly enough.
Here’s an invitation: Take time right now (or set aside time before the end of today) to worship God. What does it look like? Well, I think it’s as unique as you are. For me, it often looks like putting in the ol’ earbuds, cranking the worship music and turning my living room, my car, or my running trail into a sanctuary. Here’s a sampling of my playlist from just this morning: No Longer Slaves (we’ll be singing this one together tomorrow morning!), Gone (love the line, “Praise is a weapon that will overcome”), Revelation 19:1 (there is NOTHING like praising God with straight-up scripture), and several more. Let me know: What are some of your favorite worship songs, or what are your favorite ways to praise God?
Worship is a practice in which we let God remind us of who HE is (Holy!), we remind ourselves of who we are (not God!), and we remind the enemy of who he is (a defeated foe who has no authority).
Speaking of worship, come tomorrow (10:30am) anticipating what God, by the power of His Spirit, wants to do and will do in us and through us. Let us prepare our hearts for worship. Is God laying someone on your heart to invite tomorrow? Send that text or make that phone call.
We’ll continue in our series, The God of Covenant. Tomorrow, we’ll be looking at God’s covenant with Moses. Exodus 20. Looking forward to gathering with you and lifting high the name of Jesus!
Much love,
Pastor Brian
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