Weekly Update

Hi GCN Family,
Things happening in our world feel so uncertain. Would you agree with me on that? Here’s the good news: We are certain of Who sits on the Throne, ruling over this world. Years ago, I was in a class on Pastoral Care. The professor gave me advice that I never forgot, advice that I am still trying to live out today. He said, “Christlikeness means being a non-anxious presence in the middle of a world marked by anxiety and uncertainty.”
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away, including our own worldly kingdoms. However, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15) Simply stated, we do not put our hope in a political leader, a political party, or a volatile political climate. “Some people trust in horses and chariots, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God!” (Psalm 20:7) And guess what – the people around us are desperate for the church to be filled with all hope and all peace. When everyone else is pushing the panic button, we stay calm, and trust in Jesus. And remember, He is seated on His throne. He’s not pacing back and forth, biting His nails. No, He is a perfect non-anxious presence. We know how the story ends. Let us trust the Author and Perfecter, Jesus Christ.
A few other things…
  1. We have 15 students and leaders at District Teen Camp for the week. Pray over those students and leaders, as we believe that God is going to meet with them. I believe that some students are going to make significant decisions about their relationship with Christ this week.
  2. There are still some great Summer Fun Groups coming up! In fact, tonight is a great opportunity: “Movies that Move Us” at 7-9:30 p.m. The movie being shown tonight is Just Mercy.  Click Here for more opportunities!
  3. It’s hard to believe, but this Sunday is Amen Etefa’s last Sunday with us. She has served as our ministry intern this summer and has been fantastic. She led two weeks of summer camp in the Stewartown Community and Washington Grove Community, she served in Mega Sports Camp, spoke at youth group, helped with our local outreach partnerships, and has really pastored people this summer. Would you consider showing Amen some love this week? Here’s a very tangible way to do so: Give towards a Love Offering for her! You can give online (Click Here, then select “GCN Pastors-Staff-Intern Blessing”. Or, if you would like to give a check, put “Intern Amen” on the Memo. If giving cash, please place it in a giving envelope and write “Intern Amen” on the envelope. It has been such a joy to partner with Amen this summer!
Much Love,

Pastor Brian

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