Weekly Update

Hi GCN Family,

What a gift it was to be a part of Amen Etefa’s first-ever sermon. Thanks for being a church who believes in and invests in the next generation. I’ll quote Amen’s mother (from a conversation after the worship service), that also tees up the parable we’ll look at this Sunday: “We plant and water the seed, but God is responsible for the growth. I can’t wait to see all the fruit that He will produce in her life.”

That’s true for each of us. We are not responsible for the outcomes. We’re just responsible for the input. Keep sowing seeds of faith, keep practicing radical obedience to Jesus, and keep living like Jesus in a culture whose values are different. I believe those are all the ways that we plant seeds of faith in people’s lives and in our neighborhood. We water those seeds by sticking with people, tutoring kids, practicing community for those who are lonely, and praying, praying, praying. But God, by His Spirit, is the One who produces the fruit that we may not even see in our lifetime.

Here’s my encouragement today: Keep praying for that family member who is far from God. Keep trusting Jesus in the middle of job loss. Keep leaning into community as you battle anxiety or depression. Keep loving people who are really hard to love. Keep sowing seeds of faith.

A few things:

  1. You can still give towards our intern, Amen’s, love offering. CLICK HERE to give online. Select “GCN Pastors-Staff-Intern Blessing”. If you’re giving by check or cash, please be sure to note “Intern Amen” so we can make sure it’s directed to her.
  2. Summer Fun Groups. If you haven’t already done so, jump into a Summer Fun Group gathering. Some upcoming opportunities: (1) Sunday Lunch Out – this Sunday (8/4). Meet in the foyer after the worship service. Location of lunch: Five Guys on Shady Grove Road. (2) Twilight Golf this Sunday at 6pm. (3) Book clubs, Movie nights, Firepit nights, Ice Cream gatherings, and more! Click here for the full list.
  3. Summer Bible Reading and Prayer Guide. Get on the GCN Mobile App and follow along with these daily scripture readings and prayer prompts, specific to GCN. In addition to praying together, it’s a great way to see all the ways that GCNers are loving and serving. Let’s join together in this mission!
  4. Honduras Vision Trip Team leaves this Monday, August 5th. Many of you have been praying over this trip for a few months. Thank you! Eight GCNers will be headed to Puerto Cortez, Honduras, serving at Ministerio La Voz where Brian and Rina Ruark are directors. The primary purpose of this trip is to prayerfully dream how God wants us to partner with Ministerio La Voz faithfully into the future.

Much Love,

Pastor Brian

1 Comment

William - January 18th, 2025 at 12:30am

Ice cream: The ultimate comfort food, guaranteed to bring a smile.

