Weekly Update

Hi Church Family,
I’m grateful that God invites us – His People – into His mission in the world. We all have a part of play! Everyone of us can serve in some way. Pastor Kevin reminded us of this on Sunday.
How might God be calling you to step in and serve? I’ll throw out a few of our more pressing serving needs right now:
A few more opportunities and items:
Pastor Brian
I’m grateful that God invites us – His People – into His mission in the world. We all have a part of play! Everyone of us can serve in some way. Pastor Kevin reminded us of this on Sunday.
How might God be calling you to step in and serve? I’ll throw out a few of our more pressing serving needs right now:
- Stewartown After School Program. Tuesdays from 4:00-5:30pm. This is a great way to embody the good news of Jesus to our neighborhood. If you have a heart for kids, consider joining this team. We need you! CLICK HERE to fill out the interest form.
- Embrace Grace Ministry. Specifically, we have a need for adding a Spanish-speaker to this team. This is a ministry that walks alongside expecting mothers who are in more difficult situations. It is highly relational and we are seeing immediate impact. CLICK HERE to fill out the “Join the Mission” form (select “Embrace Grace” under “Community Outreach”).
- Facilities Cleaning and Care. You could volunteer to serve one evening a week, on a weekday, or even just once a month. Many different groups use our facility throughout the week, and we want to steward it well. If you have the gift of cleanliness, and/or would like to serve in a more behind-the-scenes way, this is the opportunity for you. CLICK HERE to fill out the “Join the Mission” form (select any of the items under “Facilities Care”.)
- Tech Team and Musicians. We could always use more servants volunteering in our tech booth, running the livestream, or graphics, or audio. Are you a guitar player, drummer, bass player, or piano player? Either email me directly (pastorbrian@gburgnaz.org) or CLICK HERE to fill out the “Join the Mission” form (select any that apply under the “Worship Audio/Visual” item).
A few more opportunities and items:
- Embrace Grace Baby Shower. Saturday, November 16th. 1-3pm @ GCN. What a blessing this will be! We are showering an expecting mother who is completing the Embrace Grace program. If you are planning to be a part of this event, please REGISTER FOR THE EVENT BY CLICKING HERE. You can gift this mother by ordering from the Amazon Registry (Click Here).
- Prayer Gathering. Monday, November 4th. 6-7pm. You are welcome to join us for a time of prayer for our mission, our neighborhood, our nation, and the world. This will be in the Goshen Room at GCN. Spread the word.
- Faith Promise Sunday AND LUNCH is this Sunday! The Rojas Family will be joining us. They served as missionaries to Argentina for 12 years, and are now serving in South Carolina. You won’t want to miss this message! Faith Promise Sunday is an invitation for each of us to participate in above and beyond generosity, to give towards God’s mission all around the world. Be praying, in advance, the amount that God might be leading you to pledge for Faith Promise. And join us for the potluck lunch. What are you bringing with you? Take a moment to CLICK HERE and RSVP for that lunch, and let us know what you’re bringing (Store-bought is totally fine, by the way!)
- Cuba Storm Relief Opportunity. This past Sunday, we mentioned the opportunity to help the people and churches in eastern Cuba who were impacted by the power outage and hurricane that swept through last week. Here is a note from Bob Prescott about how you can help financially, if you feel led: I invite each of you receiving this report to prayerfully participate in responding to this unexpected need. Please make your checks payable to GRACE POINTE COMMUNITY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE (or just “GPCCN”), and mail them to me at Robert Prescott, 2416 Fox Creek Lane, Davidsonville, MD 21035. You can put “Hurricane Oscar” on the memo line. My initial goal is $10,000, and any amount is welcome.
- Thanks to the Women’s Sunday Morning Bible Study! Thanks to the initiative of Frances Becker, they donated a whole van-full of winter clothing supplies to help the residents of a Men’s Home near Asheville, NC. The home had been impacted by the flooding from several weeks ago. Pictured is the van full of supplies, taken down by Frances.
Pastor Brian
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