Sunday's Coming...
GCN Family,
Today is often called Holy Saturday. A couple other traditional names are Black Saturday and Silent Saturday. No matter what you call it, it’s safe to say that for those followers of Jesus 2,000 years ago, this day was rock-bottom. Jesus was in the tomb. Hope was gone. To add insult to injury, this was their Sabbath, so they couldn’t even visit the tomb today.
One of the most beautiful things about the gospel is that it’s not simply a set of ideas to which we subscribe. The gospel is a story that we enter into, and that gives meaning and purpose to our story. You might just be in the middle of a season that feels a lot more like Silent Saturday than Resurrection Sunday. Might I remind you, we don’t get to the Empty Tomb without the cross of Good Friday and the Entombment of Holy Saturday. It might feel like Friday. It might feel like Saturday.
But Sunday’s coming…
For some Holy Saturday hope, check out these words by the great preacher, S.M. Lockridge: It’s Friday…but Sunday’s coming!
Tomorrow is going to be so good! We’ve got the Kids Egg Hunt and Celebration at 9:30am. Invite a family with kids to join you!
Then, in our 10:30am worship service, we get to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus as we baptize 7 GCN-ers. God is so good!
Who can you invite to join you tomorrow? The stats show that people are much more likely to be a part of a church if they are invited, and those chances increase dramatically on Easter Sunday. So, make that call, send that text, and offer to give that ride (if possible).
Much love,
Pastor Brian
Today is often called Holy Saturday. A couple other traditional names are Black Saturday and Silent Saturday. No matter what you call it, it’s safe to say that for those followers of Jesus 2,000 years ago, this day was rock-bottom. Jesus was in the tomb. Hope was gone. To add insult to injury, this was their Sabbath, so they couldn’t even visit the tomb today.
One of the most beautiful things about the gospel is that it’s not simply a set of ideas to which we subscribe. The gospel is a story that we enter into, and that gives meaning and purpose to our story. You might just be in the middle of a season that feels a lot more like Silent Saturday than Resurrection Sunday. Might I remind you, we don’t get to the Empty Tomb without the cross of Good Friday and the Entombment of Holy Saturday. It might feel like Friday. It might feel like Saturday.
But Sunday’s coming…
For some Holy Saturday hope, check out these words by the great preacher, S.M. Lockridge: It’s Friday…but Sunday’s coming!
Tomorrow is going to be so good! We’ve got the Kids Egg Hunt and Celebration at 9:30am. Invite a family with kids to join you!
Then, in our 10:30am worship service, we get to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus as we baptize 7 GCN-ers. God is so good!
Who can you invite to join you tomorrow? The stats show that people are much more likely to be a part of a church if they are invited, and those chances increase dramatically on Easter Sunday. So, make that call, send that text, and offer to give that ride (if possible).
Much love,
Pastor Brian
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