Weekly Update
Hi Church Family,
Lent begins one week from today, on Valentine’s Day. In many ways, this is fitting. In our culture, Valentine’s Day focuses on romantic love. However, Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent) points to the greatest act of love in the history of humanity: Jesus Christ laying down His life so that we might have life. We came from dust, and to dust we will return. But in Christ, we have life everlasting. As we inch closer towards the season that leads us to the Cross of Good Friday and the Empty Tomb of Easter, take time to consider what God might be calling you to in this season. Here are some invitations:
Looking forward to this Sunday as we conclude our series, God Speaks. If you want, you can read the story of Elijah and Elisha in 1 Kings 19 – 2 Kings 2. God speaks, but so often, he wants to use YOU to speak life, and grace, and forgiveness to other people.
Much love,
Pastor Brian
Lent begins one week from today, on Valentine’s Day. In many ways, this is fitting. In our culture, Valentine’s Day focuses on romantic love. However, Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent) points to the greatest act of love in the history of humanity: Jesus Christ laying down His life so that we might have life. We came from dust, and to dust we will return. But in Christ, we have life everlasting. As we inch closer towards the season that leads us to the Cross of Good Friday and the Empty Tomb of Easter, take time to consider what God might be calling you to in this season. Here are some invitations:
- Ash Wednesday Night of Prayer. February 14th. 7-8pm. Join us as we pray, worship, and let our own mortality remind us of how eternal and how good Christ is. This will be a special night.
- Prayerfully consider fasting. If you have health limitations, then a fast from food is not for you. However, if you are able to fast from food, then I would recommend trying out the John Wesley Fast. A reminder: Fasting doesn’t earn you extra points. We don’t earn grace or God’s favor; it’s a gift. Fasting is a spiritual discipline which, when coupled with prayer, becomes one more way in which we make ourselves more available to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. You can read more about the Wesley Fast here.
- Follow along with the Lectionary Readings during Lent. Our Lenten Series will be called The God of Covenant. Each week, we’ll look at the Old Testament Lectionary reading. Each of those passages focus on a covenant that God has made with His people.
- Have you been baptized? We’re planning baptisms for Easter Sunday this year, March 31st. If you have a relationship with Jesus but have not yet been baptized, let us know. You can fill out the Connect Card and select “I’m interested in being baptized.”
Looking forward to this Sunday as we conclude our series, God Speaks. If you want, you can read the story of Elijah and Elisha in 1 Kings 19 – 2 Kings 2. God speaks, but so often, he wants to use YOU to speak life, and grace, and forgiveness to other people.
Much love,
Pastor Brian
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