Weekly Update

Hi GCN Family,

It’s all FROM God. It’s all FOR God.
Trusting God is the catalyst for your generosity.

Those were two of the big ideas from the message this past Sunday. God provided daily manna for those grumbling Israelites. He was trying to shape His people into people who just trust Him and are generous with each other. Tithing is a spiritual practice that turns “trusting God” into a habit. Tithing breaks the bondage of greed in our lives. The reality is – tithing ends up being a blessing for us! Don’t just take my word for it, though.

Earlier this week, Ashley Malott shared a testimony and, with her permission, I wanted you to be blessed by this, too:

We have had many moments, especially in the beginning of our family, where money was incredibly tight and we had to be very careful, but God has always provided. Tithing has always been a part of that. During one of those times, we had just bought a house in a more expensive area so we could have more family time and less commuting. 

I was still working as a consultant from home, and homeschooling, and doing childcare for my nephews, and really just running ragged. Then, I had an accident and ended up shattering my wrist and breaking my right arm! Now we had thousands of dollars of medical and surgery bills!

But GOD doesn't waste anything and used this for our good. During that time, we "found out" about an old health savings account from my old employer, so most of the surgery was taken care of. Also, I felt this huge presence of God one night while I was recovering saying that He was going to take care of our family and that He wanted to give me peace and rest. I felt like He was impressing on me that I should quit my job. I know that sounds insane, and I wouldn't recommend anyone doing that. However, I truly had this peace that this was from Him so I was like, “Ok Lord, I guess we will step out and do this?!”

The next month Andy got a salary increase for almost the exact amount I had been making!
I don't believe in a prosperity gospel and I'm not saying that hard work or being frugal isn't a huge part in all of this, but we have seen God take care of us in this way and choosing to surrender our finances to him has been a blessing.

To all of that, I say AMEN!

A Few More Items:

  1. Hurricanes Helene and Milton Storm Relief. You can be a part of the Crisis Care Kits collection. Click here to see the shopping list and instructions. Those are due back by Sunday, November 3rd. You can also donate online through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries by clicking here.

  1. Interested in Serving in our Stewartown Community After School Program? This is Tuesdays, 4:00-5:30pm. If you love kids and have a heart for serving in our neighborhood, we hope you’ll consider being a part of this. If you are a parent with school-aged children, you can bring your children with you. Also, if you are a High Schooler or Middle Schooler, you can earn SSL hours by serving. This is a specific need for our church family and a great way to embody the good news of Jesus to our neighbors. If you are interested in serving or learning more, contact Sonja Hatten (shatten@terpmail.umd.edu).

  1. Flooring Updates. The crew is beginning to install new flooring in a couple classrooms. Soon, they’ll be installing in the Life Center and then in the Lobby. Earlier this week, I snapped a few pictures of some scripture passages that were written on the floor of the Goshen Room over 12 years ago when that was last carpeted. At the top is a note from Jerry and Cindy Way. Here’s what it says: “Proverbs 3:6 – In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy path.” And then, “Great is thy faithfulness.” Amen! Praise God for His faithfulness in the past, His provision today, and His leading us into the future!

Much Love,

Pastor Brian

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