Weekly Update

Hi GCN Family,

The Jesus Way = loving people when they least expect it and least deserve it. That is the heart of Jesus towards you, and by the power of the Holy Spirit inside of us, that can be our heart towards everyone, everywhere.

A GCNer told me about a time, recently, when she was in a grocery store and felt prompted to go and speak to a couple she saw on her way in. This felt so random, so she dismissed it. A few minutes passed, and she couldn’t shake the thought. So, as an act of obedience to the Holy Spirit’s prompting, she went and spoke to them. Long story, short – she had a unique opportunity to be a blessing to them, invite them into community, and introduce them to salvation in Christ. Praise God!

The strongest force in the entire world for leading people to a relationship with Jesus Christ is not finger-pointing, record-keeping, or winning an argument. The strongest force in the world for leading people to salvation in Christ is undeserved grace. It’s loving people when they least expect it and least deserve. Receive it from Christ, and then pass it on.

This Sunday, we continue in our series, The Jesus Way. This Sunday = Water To Wine. John 2. Let’s live out the Jesus Way.

A few other things…
  1. RightNow Media. Our church has access to hundreds and hundreds of bible studies, devotionals, and more. It’s for people of all ages, kids through adult. If you didn’t receive that link by email already, CLICK HERE for that link. Reach out to Pastor Kevin if you have any questions (pastorkevin@gburgnaz.org).
  2. We continue to pray for those impacted by the wildfires in Southern California. Lord, have mercy. If you would like to give towards that effort, CLICK HERE.
  3. Intentional Discipleship Training Day. February 22nd @ GCN. You will want to be a part of this. Click here for more info. Registration (Free!) is coming soon.
  4. February Sunday Series: OvercomingI’m excited about an opportunity on Sundays in February. Three other pastors on our district and I are partnering and preaching in each other’s churches for the month of February. This will be a special treat for us! Here’s what that schedule will look like for us:
    • Feb. 2 = Brian Schafer
    • Feb. 9 = Eric Valenstein (Impact Church in Sykesville, MD)
    • Feb. 16 = Brian Remsch (Restoration Church in Frederick, MD)
    • Feb. 23 = Shane Valenstein (City On A Hill Church in Savage, MD)

Love people when they least expect it and least deserve it. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Pastor Brian

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